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Nutritious Foundations
If it is there, you will eat it. You may not eat it the first time you see it, or the second, or even the third, but at some point, unless you dislike the food, you will eat it because we eat what is around us, even if we are not hungry and even if it doesn’t taste that great! I can’t tell you how many times I have walked past a pan of brownies or cookies, resisting, resisting…until somewhere on the tenth or eleventh time I see the brownie or cookie, my resolve crumbles and I eat it…and usually a half dozen more.
Our food environment extends beyond just our physical environment, though the food that is in our kitchen is definitely an influencer. There are actually three different aspects of our food environment to consider and understand. Most importantly, as you become aware of your food environments, you can exert positive influence which then results in long-term change.
Physical Environment
This one is easy because it’s the tangible aspect of food around us. It’s our kitchens, our work spaces, even our cars. It is where our meals are eaten (at home? at an office? in a restaurant?) and the events that occur while we eat. Are we sitting around a family dinner table or in front of the TV or computer? Which rooms in the house do we eat in? The kitchen or dining room? The tv room or bedroom? Are we driving alone in a car wolfing down gas station food or sitting in a high end restaurant? What do we see when we open our fridge or look on our countertops? A healthy bowl of fruit and prepped greens or take-out in boxes? Do we socialize with others while we eat or read a book or work on the computer? All these physical factors account for the types of foods we eat and can ultimately enhance weight loss or sabotage it.
Identify a way to enhance your physical food environment this week.
Social Environment
This aspect of our environment takes into account our family, friends, co-workers and the other people we eat around or even in front of. Are they supportive of healthy eating or junk food eaters themselves? Are they supportive of our efforts to eat well? Our social connections influence our eating behaviors heavily because we are such social creatures and easily influenced. Does our social circle like to tailgate with wings and beer or do they like to go hiking and eat dried fruit and granola? Do we go to lunch with our friends or on walks? Does our family sit down to a home-cooked meal at night or eat takeout on the run?
What is an aspect of your social food environment you could improve upon?
Mental (Cognitive) Environment
The cognitive environment refers to how we think about food, our self-image and degree of negative vs positive self-talk regarding food. What are we saying to ourselves about food when no one else is listening? Is it, “I’m already fat, so what will one more cookie hurt” or is it “Cookies taste too sweet and I always feel sick after eating them so I think I’ll just go for a piece of fruit instead?” Do you think about food all the time, craving sugary, fatty foods or is food just another biological function to you? Do you have negative and self-defeating thoughts like, “I have no will-power and I just keep gaining weight” or do you fill your mind with positive self-talk, “Exercise may feel hard while I’m doing it, but I feel so proud of myself when I’m done that it’s worth it!”
Identify one aspect of your mental food environment to work on this week.
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