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Nutritious Foundations
The concept of front-loading is not new. It simply means you start your day with as many healthy behaviors as you can before the day takes on a mind of its own. Front-loading is akin to putting on your own oxygen mask first so you can benefit those around you rather than be a drain. Taking care of your health and well-being is a very unselfish thing to do because it helps you be your best self for the people around you, both at home and at work.
What might a front-loaded day look like? We all know we should exercise and move more, eat more fruits and veggies, drink lots of water and get 8 hours of sleep. However, it often feels impossible with all the work and family demands placed on us, so we keep the same habits day after day; to bed too late scrolling through social media to "unwind", sleeping late because you're exhausted, grabbing a granola bar as you rush out the door the next morning, stopping for fast food or skipping lunch because you don't have time to pack anything healthy in your rush, and finally, arriving home exhausted and ravenous so the cycle can begin again.
Front Loading looks like this:
9 pm: Pack your lunch for the next day, ready breakfast, set out exercise clothes, fill water bottle.
10 pm: Lights out. Read a book to get sleepy, put your phone to charge in another room.
6:30 am: Wake up and hop into those exercise clothes. Then do it. Exercise. Drink 24 oz water.
7:30 am: Shower and eat breakfast. Forget the donuts, get in two fruits or veggies plus some protein
8:00 am: Ready for the day! Don't forget to grab your lunch and water bottle if you're heading out the door. Drink another 24 oz of water throughout the morning.
How To Front Load Fruits and Veggies
8:00 am breakfast: veggie scramble & protein berry shake (1 fruit/1 veggie)
Noon lunch: chicken salad over spring mix salad & pear (2 veggies/1 fruit)
Afternoon snack: carrots & hummus (1 veggie)
It's barely afternoon and already you have exercised, eaten 6 f/v and downed 48 ounces of water. And you did it all while you still had energy! Morning is the time when we have the most control over our schedule, so it makes sense to pack in as many of these good behaviors as you can early in the day. Try it this week and see the difference, you can do it!
Exercise is man's best medicine
Photo by Trang Doan
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